Disability Insurance Plans from Sedona BenefitsIs your income, your most valuable asset, adequately protected?Your income is the financial security that helps protect your family and lifestyle. You depend on your income for the necessities in life - food, shelter, and clothing. It also supplies you and your family with the extra things that make life enjoyable such as vacations, special gifts, and family celebrations. But if a serious accident or illness suddenly stopped your income, would you be able to cover everyday living expenses? In 1998, 60% of the disabling injuries suffered by workers occurred off the job. 19.4 million disabling injuries were reported in 1998 and 3.8 million of those were work related. For most people, a disability means not only difficulty meeting financial obligations, it also means increased medical coasts. And some of these out-of-pocket expenses are not covered by your major medical plan. Disability insurance can provide the income protection you need. No matter how your medical expenses are currently covered, you should have an insurance plan that helps cover everyday living expenses if you are not able to work. Disability insurance replaces a portion of your income if you become unable to work because of a covered illness or injury. This income can help you continue paying:
Can disability insurance sometimes be more important that life insurance?It depends. Disability insurance is very important, and you should get as much as you can. If you were suddenly unable to work and your income disappeared, then the effect on you and your family could be very detrimental, financially and otherwise. Of course, you also need life insurance if people are dependent on your income for their survival after you die. As you get closer to retirement and you have accumulated substantial assets, life insurance becomes more important for estate planning reasons. The bottom line is that most people need the maximum amount of both types of coverage. Sedona Benefits’ disability portfolio includes group and individual coverage, and each plan features several options to help meet your unique needs. |